新奇文共賞 (719)
My Wife Made a Paid Sex Tape With a Man Years Ago. Now He Wants It Destroyed. (Slate)
一份相當有趣的禮物突然惹來騷擾,同意回覆中所說的不欠他甚麼。 -
How Beijing Influences the Influencers (The New York Times)
所以千祈唔好依賴 Youtuber 作爲新聞資訊來源。 -
Birds Aren’t Real, or Are They? Inside a Gen Z Conspiracy Theory (The New York Times)
Rocket Scientists vs Brain Surgeons: Who Do You Think Is Ultimately Smarter? (Science Alert)
但只限在語義問題的解難上。 -
Why movie theaters aren’t dead yet (Vox)
其實兩者是唇寒齒亡的關係。 -
The tragic missteps that killed a young California family on a hike (The Guardian)
忠告行山者必須做足準備。 -
Why You Eat the Same Thing For Breakfast Every Day (Time)
又係喎,早餐真係每日如是。 -
Top Excel experts will battle it out in an esports-like competition this weekend (PCWorld)
傻的嗎? Excel 都可以比賽? -
Kenyan students keep setting their schools on fire. Where’s the alarm? (African Arguments)