新奇文共賞 (720)
He Was Convicted of Raping Alice Sebold. Then the Case Unraveled. (The New York Times)
又一單冤獄,翻案過程非常偶然而曲折。 -
The 74-year-old 'Black Widow' killer who murdered her lovers with cyanide (CNN)
日本黑寡婦,用山埃毒殺第 4 任丈夫,而這只是冰山一角的謀財殺人案。 -
Foods With Misleading Names (The Browser)
瑞士雞翼大家都知唔係瑞士菜,但我未聽過牛角包同各種 Danish 係奧地利發明。 -
'Diet' soda is disappearing from store shelves (CNN)
If You See These Walnut-Sized Growths On Your Christmas Tree, Do Not Bring It Indoors (IFL Science)
聖誕意外禮物。 -
The cannons keeping airplanes safe, one chicken at a time (CNN)
死雞槍! -
How this house style took over the US (Vox)
有無變得粗製濫造?有些少吧。 -
The Harvard Job Offer No One at Harvard Ever Heard Of (The New York Times)
是認真的惡作劇,還是政治逼害? -
Maker of suicide pod plans to launch in Switzerland (BBC)
自助安樂死。 -
‘15 minutes to save the world’: a terrifying VR journey into the nuclear bunker (The Guardian)