自由貿易可帶來的經濟效益早有公論,只要是出於雙方自願,基本上反映雙贏。從近期走私猖獗更進一步表示該類產品對消費者而言有大量「消費者剩餘價值」(consumer surplus),即使加上大量走私成本和風險溢價仍然有利可圖,事件顯示限制正常貿易或採取貿易制裁只會令轉口地區或走私集團獲利,並未能有效限制進口產品。

事實上,根據國際貿易經濟理論,自由貿易容許更多人和地區專注自身強項發展事業和經濟,達至專業分工 (specialisation),有效發揮各自的絕對優勢 (absolute advantages) 和相對優勢 (comparative advantages),增加選擇 [1],只要貿易是出於自願 (及沒有負面界外效應),自由貿易基本上能改善經濟效益及帶來經濟增長的活動。

正因如此,各國在戰後紛紛簽定雙邊及多邊貿易協議,更成立世界貿易組織 (World Trade Organisation, 簡稱 WTO) 負責處理國際貿易糾紛和促進國際貿易。眾所周知,WTO的前身是1948年成立的關貿總協定 (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT),是在布雷頓森林協議框架下各國達成的國際貿易協議,前者是一項處理國際貨幣互換基礎的類金本位協議,而後者則是一項國際關稅及貿易協定。GATT的基本原則之一在於自由貿易,避免貿易制裁或貿易戰。可惜自從1971年美國單方面取消布雷頓森林協議,把貨幣無本位化,導致國際貿易框架斷了一臂,WTO在國際貿易上的角色變得有點孤掌難鳴,必須各國自律合作遵守自由貿易制度,議會有效監督政府落實關貿協定才可避免重蹈1920年代世界大蕭條的慘痛教訓。

香港在國際自由貿易事項上長期發揮示範作用,根據基本法的規定,香港保持作為自由港口,保障貨物和資本的自由流動,屬單獨的關稅區[2]。因此香港政府必須經常向立法會匯報有關在WTO的會談進展,而立法會亦會每年派員出席「S Rajaratnam 國際研究學院和世界貿易組織議員貿易與談判研討會」(S Rajaratnam School of International Studies and the World Trade Organization Parliamentarian Workshop on Trade & Negotiations,簡稱WTO議員研討會)。我代表立法會出席了2017年在新加坡舉行的WTO議員研討會,並向立法會提交了報告 [3]。

報告中提及有關WTO代表向與會者發出有關國際貿易受到限制等政策風險,令國際貿易增長佔GDP增長的比例下降,反映早在2017年WTO已經察覺到國際貿易壁壘已悄然出現,今日回望更覺高瞻遠矚,預測精準。報告中的原文如下 (因只有英文版,現加上簡單翻譯):

S Rajaratnam School of International Studies and the World Trade Organization Parliamentarian Workshop on Trade & Negotiations 2017. [3]

S Rajaratnam School of International Studies and the World Trade Organization Parliamentarian Workshop on Trade & Negotiations 2017. [3] 

『WTO(2017)文件[4] 警告,2016年貿易增長與經濟產值增長之比已降至一以下,主要風險因素是出現貿易限制措施和貨幣緊縮等政策不確定性,研討會上WTO代表強調了自由貿易對經濟產值增長的重要性。』

“In a recent WTO (2017) paper [4], it is also warned that the ratio of trade growth to GDP growth has dropped below 1 in 2016, and the main risk factor is the policy uncertainty including imposition of trade restrictive measures and monetary tightening. The importance of free trade for GDP growth is emphasized in the Workshop.”[3]



“the Workshop can help equip legislators and parliamentarians with a good understanding of the latest global trade environment and the underlying mechanisms in the multilateral trading system, including the ones of the WTO. Legislators and parliamentarians can then monitor better the government’s negotiation and implementation processes of trade related issues and multilateral trade agreements. The Workshop is also a platform for legislators and parliamentarians from WTO members to exchange views and draw useful lessons from the counterparts’ experiences.” [3]

S Rajaratnam School of International Studies and the World Trade Organization Parliamentarian Workshop on Trade & Negotiations 2017. [3]

S Rajaratnam School of International Studies and the World Trade Organization Parliamentarian Workshop on Trade & Negotiations 2017. [3] 


[1] Boundless Economics (n.a.) Introduction to International Trade. Available online at https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-economics/chapter/introduction-to-international-trade/. Retrieved on October 24, 2021.

[2] HKSAR (2014) Trade Policy Review, WT/TPR/G/306, WTO, 1 Oct, 2014, retrieved on May 30, 2017 from https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/tpr_e/g306_e.pdf

[3] Yiu, C.Y. (2017) Report on S Rajaratnam School of International Studies and the World Trade Organization Parliamentarian Workshop on Trade & Negotiations 2017, 15 to 17 May 2017, Paper for the House Committee, LC Paper No. CB(2)1657/16-17(01) (English version only)。Available online at https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr16-17/chinese/hc/papers/hc20170324cb2-1657-1-ec.pdf 

[4] WTO (2017) Trade recovery expected in 2017 and 2018, amid policy uncertainty, 12 Apr 2017, WTO, retrieved on May 30, 2017 from https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/pres17_e/pr791_e.htm

[5] Reuters (2021) Australia asks why Hong Kong considers lobsters national security risk,October 22. Available at https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australia-asks-why-hong-kong-considers-lobsters-national-security-risk-2021-10-22/. Accessed on October 24, 2021.