全球只剩疫苗一招,卻遇上「歷來最惡劣」的變種病毒B.1.1.529,到底疫苗能否戰勝病毒,先看疫苗對新變種是否有效。今日自然期刊發表題為 ”Heavily mutated coronavirus variant puts scientists on alert - Researchers are racing to determine whether a fast-spreading variant in South Africa poses a threat to COVID vaccines’ effectiveness.”的文章,暫且釋作:《重變異的冠狀病毒變種使科學家們保持警惕——研究人員正與時間競賽以確定 COVID 疫苗對南非的一種快速傳播的變種病毒是否有效》(Callaway, 2021)。
該變種病毒暫時命名為 B.1.1.529,文章指若世衛沿用希臘字母命名新型變種,則該變種可能將會命名為 nu (ν),現時該變種在南非有大約一百個樣本 (Gregory & Ambrose, 2021),另有一宗在香港發現,是從南非來港人傳入。B.1.1.529被稱為 Heavily mutated variant 是因為這一病毒在冠狀蛋白(Spike Protein,圖1)出現32處變異,比Delta的多出近倍,可加強利用人類身體的ACE2 酶 (enzyme) 進入細胞 (詳情可參考 姚,2021a),被視為是歷來最惡劣的COVID變種:
”Senior scientists ... described B.1.1.529 as the worst variant they had seen since the start of the pandemic. ... It has 32 mutations in the spike protein, the part of the virus that most vaccines use to prime the immune system against Covid. That is about double the number associated with the Delta variant.”, Gregory & Ambrose, 2021),
圖1 冠狀蛋白變異。來源:Connelly (2021)
這些變異與增強傳染性和逃避抗體的能力有關 (”... are linked to heightened infectivity and the ability to evade infection-blocking antibodies”, Callaway, 2021),其中最關鍵的問題是到底現時的疫苗能否對新變種病毒有效,“A burning question is does it reduce vaccine effectiveness, because it has so many changes”(Callaway, 2021),科學家正與時間競賽,努力找出答案。
病毒變種的速度驚人,兩年間已有多次具影響力的變異,從世衛的希臘字母已用了大半可知一二,今年6月我曾簡介過有關希臘字母 (姚,2021b),當時世衛已用到Kappa (圖2),短短的幾個月後,又再用多四個希臘字母 (快將使用nu),已超過總數的一半 (圖3),更有國家以Omega變種作為演習的假設情境,這場疫戰真不知何時方休!
圖2 希臘字母命名COVID變種,至2021年4月時的情況
圖3 希臘字母。https://www.shutterstock.com/search/greek+letters
Callaway, E. (2021) Heavily mutated coronavirus variant puts scientists on alert - Researchers are racing to determine whether a fast-spreading variant in South Africa poses a threat to COVID vaccines’ effectiveness, Nature, 25 November. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03552-w ; doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03552-w
Connelly, D. (2021) Tackling the rise of concerning COVID-19 variants in the UKThe Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, April 2021, Vol 306, No 7948;306(7948)::DOI:10.1211/PJ.2021.1.79030
Gregory, A. & Ambrose, T. (2021) What do we know about the new ‘worst ever’ Covid variant? - UK places South Africa on red travel list over B.1.1.529 variant picked up by scientists in country, Guardian, 25 November. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/25/what-do-we-know-about-the-new-worst-ever-covid-variant?CMP=fb_gu&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1Lpk-6XbxEGB_8itIBn3uxb6JWGEotli5GuP98I1uzZCdfZh0XC_HPz8M#Echobox=1637874967
姚松炎 (2021a) 世紀疫症兩年 - 重症與長期病患,方格子,6月5日。https://vocus.cc/eyanalysispoliecon/619449d2fd89780001c87c26
姚松炎 (2021b) 世衛污名化希臘?方格子,6月5日。https://vocus.cc/@ecyY/60bb3466fd897800017e4630