習坎,有孚維心,亨行有尚。-- 岸邊的小水鳥正在學習飛翔,牠面對重重水波,似乎躍躍欲試,心知降落水中要能浮出水面、飛行時也要維持重心平穩,纔可能行得通、飛得高、離得遠。牠環顧周遭遠近的景象、想像可能遇到的艱難,此時該如何迎風展翅、奮力跳躍纔能遠渡重洋、抵達彼岸呢?

初六:習坎,入于坎窞,凶。/ 變卦水澤節 -- 如同岸邊的小水鳥面對重重水波,正試著展翅飛翔。剛開始思考和學習就進入太艱難、太深邃的課題,思考往往充滿漏洞、深陷困惑窘境,斷斷續續的進展卻仍然找不到解答。思考和學習,是不是應該由淺而深、有所節制呢?

九二:坎有險,求小得。/ 變卦水地比 -- 面對重重水波的風浪,如同走在坎坎坷坷的險路。遇到困難的事情,有時候只求能有一點小小的進展、一次比一次更進步,能有一些小小的心得和親近的同伴分享啊!

六三:來之坎坎,險且枕。入于坎窞,勿用。/ 變卦水風井 -- 如果未來將會行經坎坎坷坷的險路,那麼車輛軌道下就必須用枕木墊定穩固纔行得通。一旦進入艱深複雜的課題,先驅者們遺留的、井然有序又可靠的經驗或程序,隱隱約約的都是有用的線索啊!(P.S. 此處「勿」通「霧」、「細微」、「隱隱約約」。)

六四:樽酒、簋貳,用缶,納約自牖,終無咎。/ 變卦澤水困 -- 一個木製的酒罇、竹製的飯盒二份,還用破掉的陶罐瓦片當作盛菜的餐盤。為了思考困惑的課題,幾乎到了廢寢忘食的地步,甚至把自己約束在簡陋的宿舍內苦思論述,這不都是希望能找到終極的理論、沒有錯誤的解答嗎?

九五:坎不盈,只既平,無咎。/ 變卦地水師 -- 最艱難的課題之所以艱難,也許就是因為它不能得到完全讓他人和自己都滿意的標準答案,只能達到某個觀測的極限和思考的水平。就連大師巨匠都很難在某些難題上大舉躍進,這又有什麼好奇怪的呢?

上六:係用徽纆,寘于叢棘,三歲不得,凶。/ 變卦風水渙 -- 系統性的使用徽誌和繩墨去做精準的標定放樣,把觀測儀器安穩的佈置在荊棘叢生的荒野,經過許多年歲還是得不出什麼具體的結論,只希望確保觀測儀器還能持續運作計算而已。面對聚散不定的風水、思索離合變化的宇宙,誰能總是聚精會神、注意力永遠不渙散的去觀測盤算呢?(P.S. 漢字造字通常以三個符號代表多數,此處「三歲」解爲「許多年歲」。)

"When we look on the smooth surface of something in details, we must find the numerous spot-holes in there, the microscope can help us to recognize such bumpy situation in the real world."

"Yes, actually all the messages might be interfered on the way when they are transmitted, that's why the wide wave broadcast is usually clearer than narrow wave broadcast in sending and receiving. Just like a weak and short water wave might be interfered by the reefs, but a strong and long water wave could move across the reefs."

"When a small bird started to learn flying, the reefs on water were just the best resting stops in a long distant flighting route. The lyrics of the issue in this qua seemed like to tell us a small water bird was trying to fly across a greater area of water."

"How many routes could it fly across, if it had never flown? It might think about how far could it fly? What would interrupt its flying? Which direction of the winds could help it fly and save its energy? Where could let it take a breath and charge its flying power? What kind of unaware dangers might happen? ......."

"Old birds might tell it how to fly, but if somewhere never had been stepped by the old birds, how could it learn to fly across and arrival at there?"

"All they could tell might be just like the major point of last qua's words -- Do not go too far!"

"So, sometimes during the interruption, maybe just the time for exercise and study, to look for the best solution step by step."

"From the beginning, everyone just like that small bird. The universe was imagined as a great stars-ocean by ancient Hanese, what's the final theory to explain the world is still a mystery, because of the stars-ocean is too greater than our awareness. Before going to Mars, Moon seemed like the first stop to the humankind."

"Sometimes we might hope to get some intelligence transmitted from the outpace, that's why the scientists built the smart radars and tried to contact with the extraterrestrials. Maybe they can help us to solve some questions about the difficult issues still surrounding in our minds."

"Actually, who had the ability to observe the outer space in full time? During the sleeping time, we might lose to catch the messages coming from extraterrestrials."

"If we watched the water waves in details, we might find each wave looked like to involve a sunken bowl shape, and it could reflect the light. So, if there was a reflecting light changed in a group of the water waves, we might feel something happened."

"That seems like the Arrayed Radars System managed by Cancellous Net Organization."

"Actually '坎' is sounded like 'kan' and '看' which meant 'look' or 'look out' even 'cam' and 'watch' in English, it seemed like also have a meaning about 'cancellous', especially when many '坎' were netting together."

"If we looked at the details, we must find the fly's eyes,...... I mean the Muscidae......, have the revealed netting system for watching, for catching the messages via the lights, just like the naked retinas exposed in the air."

"That's why the next qua '離' was going to talk about the netting system for catching the speedy messages which looked like the flyers, such like identify the speed flying birds or UFO -- Unidentified Flying Objects, even the other messages came from out-space......."

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.