利貞,亨。畜牝牛,吉。-- 通過敏銳精密的觀測儀器來偵測,如同在一片畜養的草地上以適當距離分佈著一群柔順安穩的牝牛,風吹草動、日照花迎,牝牛也會隨著資訊環境的變動而移動。觀測網也是類似這樣的佈置,用許多藉由能量供給來運作的觀測儀器以陣列或矩陣的方式連結配置。有了這類儀器的輔助,就能脫離現場、進行遠距離的觀察偵測了。

初九:履錯然,敬之,無咎。/ 變卦火山旅 -- 觀測網的形式看起來就像縱橫交錯的路線或軌道,為了觀測的靈敏度而作出警覺性高的佈置,這樣纔不會錯失訊息的接收攔截。對於經過漫長旅程、長途跋涉而來的遠方訊息,要能敏感而有效的捕捉啊!

六二:黃離,元吉。/ 變卦火天大有 -- 觀測網就像許多類似簧片的單元連結組織而成的雷達網,儀器表面呈弧形而有彈性,足以偵測微弱的訊息。如同永不閉目的巨大眼睛或大型的視網膜屏幕,每個觀測單元的訊號接收器都互相連結,那是一個大有來頭的觀測儀器。(P.S. 此處「黃」解為有彈性的簧片,有可能以金屬材料製成或是表面鍍上金屬薄膜。「元」解爲「觀察偵測單元或單位」。)

九三:日昃之離,不鼓缶而歌,則大耄之嗟,凶。/ 變卦火雷噬嗑 -- 對於像日落後的昏暗弱光或微弱訊息的捕捉,如果不能把微弱的訊息放大,轉換為擊鼓、敲瓦或歌唱聲一樣可以辨識的震動訊號,那麼就算接收到大量的微弱訊息,雷達顯示幕上還是一片糢糊、很難辨識計算。此時應該建立訊號震動頻率的擴大系統,設定幾個適合或對應的調控偵測頻道,過濾所要的訊息、避免網羅到雜訊。(P.S. 此處「耄」解為「如老人說話有氣無力、不很清楚,或像毛髮般細微」的「微弱訊息」。)

九四:突如其來如,焚如,死如,棄如。/ 變卦山火賁 -- 有時候,突然傳來的強烈訊號,往往會導致觀測儀器因為震動過度及過熱而焚燒毀壞,使得雷達顯示幕上一片死寂、音訊全滅。此時,不得不暫時放棄觀察偵測工作,進行觀測儀器裝置的維修、改裝與防護措施。

六五:出涕沱若,戚嗟若,吉。/ 變卦天火同人 -- 真的是高興的痛哭流涕哪!心有戚戚焉的同聲驚歎啊!經過長期的觀察偵測,此時終於有了結果。......我們接收到來自天空的、可以辨識和理解的光波訊息或電磁波訊息,這訊息顯示:在距離遙遠的地方,似乎存在著和我們類似的人類文明,而且他們也可能試圖和我們溝通連繫、尋求和同呢!

上九:王用出征,有嘉折首,獲匪其醜,無咎。/ 變卦雷火豐 -- 網路通訊可以發出訊號到遠方的終端位址,再加上過程中不斷調整和擴大訊號的強度,直到訊號抵達遠方的訊號屏蔽,然後經由反射作用而回首折返,於是我們便以為截獲了來自遠方某個區域的不尋常訊息,甚至以為接收到如同醉酒的人正在含糊說話唱歌一般的鬼訊號,這有什麼好意外的呢?......雷電聲光的訊息充滯在廣闊的宇宙中,甚至迴盪在我們想像力豐富的頭腦裡啊!(P.S. 此處「王」解為「网」或「網」,相當於 web 或 weave;「王用」解為「網路通訊」。「征」解爲「通行至某個界限」。「匪」解爲「某個區域的非常訊息或不尋常訊息」。「其」解爲「收集」或「訊息接收器的收訊內容」。「醜」解爲「好像酒醉的人發出飄忽含糊的聲音、難以清楚辨認出含意的訊息」。)

"The netting system for catching information seemed like a group of leaves on a big tree, that's why this word '離' was sounded like 'lea' or 'lí' in Hanese. It not only could send messages, but also could receive messages in a long distance."

"As matter of fact, '離' was combined by '隹' and '离', these two word symbols could be sounded as 'ge' or 'ga' or 'ca' and 'chi' in ancient time, it might just have the meaning about 'catch' and related to the message-operation about sending and receiving."

"Actually '离' was graphed like a handy tool with net or mesh and could be held in the human's hand in its pictogram. It's a kind of convenient tool for catching something in the air, and '隹' was a symbol related to some kind of bird."

"Maybe the ancient Hanese feel a group of leaves on a tree could easily sense the movement of flowing air or winds, so they called such kind of arrays radar or netting system for catching information as similar as 'leaves', that's why '離' was also sounded like 'lea' or 'lí' later. That meant, the Arrayed Radar might be also called Leaves Radar in ancient time."

"In fact, so many catching tools had such kind of netting feature, for example: fishnet, wire-mesh, grid-fence, spider's net,...... even the retina of the eye......"

"In the second yao of this qua, the lyrics described the original or very ancient arrayed radar just looked like a big retina screen connected with many flexible metal-piece units, and also seemed like a giant eye, which was never asleep, it must be an amazing equipment for detecting the messages came from distant place even out space, and that's why '離' also had a meaning related to 'distance'."

"The following words also described they created the message-amplifier for enhancing the recognizability in sending and receiving the very weak messages, but sometimes the suddenly and strongly coming messages might destroy and burn their radar, caused they must temporarily give up their detecting works and tried to repair and renovate their detecting equipments with some protective treatments."

"And after a period of time in great contact effort, they finally caught the awesome messages which came from sky or out space in surprise...... They supposed there might be the other extra-terrestrial's civilization exiting in the universe and also trying to contact with them, even made a peaceful deal with humankind on the Earth."

"Unfortunately, when they kept on examining and analyzing those received messages which were unclear and sounded like drunker's vague singing, they found those messages might be mixed with their own sending messages and reflected from the other terminating message-block far away from the Earth."

"Actually, there are numerous planets or moving rocks moving in the outer space or universe, the sending messages might be reflected or mixed with the others and come back to the sending base during their long distance traveling time......"

就算使用精密儀器的觀測網來做遠距離的訊息偵測,偵測的結果也可能混合或反射自偵測儀器原本發出的訊息。此外,基於我們自己原先的期待而產生的虛擬想像,也可能影響訊息的分析和判讀。那麼,要如何纔能做到更加確實、如臨現場的感覺呢?...... 據說「易經」曾經被區分為「上經」和「下經」來解釋,而「上經」止於「離卦」。那是不是說,從「下經」的「咸卦」開始,將會經歷一段充滿「感性」的心智旅程呢?...... 那麼,「理性知覺」的不及之處要如何以「感性知覺」來彌補呢?

In the mean time, The I.E. Scripture had shown a long journey of the ancient humankind's efforts in reasonable thinking or rational way for understanding the real world and contacting with their unknown places. But about the sensible thinking or feeling way in long distance, it was just under another progressive changing era.

According to Hanese cultural history, one of the great translators and preachers of The I.E. Scripture - Confucius who had been divided The I.E. Scripture as two parts, the first part "上經" was ended at the 30th qua "離", and the second part "下經" was started at the 31th qua "咸" which meant "sense", "sensibility" or "sensor".

Was that just telling: From the next qua "咸" to the last qua in The I.E. Scripture, those people and journalists of the ancient humankind's civilization might keep going on passing the other part of the I.E.- journey through the great sensible thinking and feeling way?

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.