
August 25, 2021, Beijing, China: The headquarters building of the peoples Bank of China seen in Beijing..The Peoples Bank of China is the central bank of the Peoples Republic of China responsible for carrying out monetary policy and regulation of financial institutions in mainland China, as determined by Peoples Bank Law and Commercial Bank Law. (Credit Image: © Sheldon Cooper/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)

图片来源:SHELDON COOPER/ZUMA 据中国官方媒体报道,中国央行今年迄今已向中央政府上缴了人民币8,000亿元(合1,190亿美元)利润,以支持财政支出。这个全球第二大经济体当前正面临巨大的下行压力。 据国有的《中国证券报》报道,中国央行国库局局长董化杰在周一的发布会上表示,利润上缴相当于银行存款准备金率下调0.4个百分点所释放的流动性。 3月,央行表示,将从其庞大的外汇储备中转移超过人民币1万亿元的利润给中央政府,以支持今年的财政支出。中国央行此前曾表示,结存利润按月均衡上缴。 董化杰在发布会上说,加快向中央财政上缴利润将直接增强财政可用财力。他说,今年全年上缴利润利润将超过人民币1.1万亿元,这可能会拉动全年广义货币(M2)增速约0.5个百分点。 (本文来自道琼斯通讯社)

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