The first rule of Fight Club in China? Don’t mention the original ending. The second rule of Fight Club in China? Change it so the police win.
世事無奇不有。中國大陸為宣傳「邪不能勝正」的健康訊息,竄改電影《搏擊會》(Fight Club)結局,竟陰差陽錯比電影更貼近原著小說。不過原著結局並非歸功於一個無遠弗屆的政警機關。
尤有趣者,雖然不少美國影迷得知竄改一事後忿忿難平,但原作者帕拉尼克(Chuck Palahniuk)卻對此象冷嘲熱諷,因為美國境內不少地方依然禁止流傳原著小說,如德州監獄的圖書館。
Now, Palahniuk, originator of the characters and story, has weighed in with his own response. The author tweeted a link to his Substack newsletter where he discusses the episode, writing: “Have You Seen This Sh*t? This is SUPER wonderful! Everyone gets a happy ending in China!”
In his newsletter, Palahniuk wrote: “Tyler and the gang were all arrested. He was tried and sentenced to a mental asylum. How amazing. I’d no idea! Justice always wins. Nothing ever exploded. Fini.”