The biggest difference is in different political traditions. Putin is impossible in Ukraine, and a victorious Maidan is impossible in Russia.

幾年前,為搜羅有關基輔廣場革命的資料而得知史家赫爾察克(Yaroslav Hrytsak),他的論見助我認識那片青天黃土的滄海桑田。上年底,他寫成了本籌備已十五年的新書《克服過去:烏克蘭的全球史》(Overcoming the Past. Global History of Ukraine)。難得有當地土生土長的學者親述烏克蘭故事,很想馬上拜讀。

我記得他提過自己的研究動機。一方面,他想反駁俄羅斯為吞併烏克蘭而蔑稱之為小羅斯及失敗國。另一方面,他也不希望世人僅僅視烏克蘭為斯奈特(Timothy Snyder)筆下的淒慘血域(bloodland)。他眼中的烏克蘭雖然年輕,勝在活力滿滿,前途光明。


I consider the history of Ukraine through the history of modernization of Eastern Europe, analyzing successful and unsuccessful examples. For me, Russia is a bad example of modernization. There it led to tensions, losses, bloodshed and revolutions. Now, Russia continues to fail. Putin is a symbol of Russia’s failure. For me, it is important to show that Ukrainians, on the other hand, continue to modernize despite temporary setbacks.

