

疫症爆發後全球樓價上升,Knight Frank (2021) 最新公布2021年第三季的全球樓價指數,南韓的樓價實質年度升幅高達23.9%,比第二和第三高的瑞典 (17.8%)及紐西蘭 (17.0%)高出6%以上,比亞洲第二高的台灣 (6.9%)更是高出17%!


圖1 南韓樓價指數。來源:Trading Economics

圖1 南韓樓價指數。來源:Trading Economics


無獨有偶,南韓的家庭債務佔GDP比率同樣在疫症爆發後急升,誠然部份原因或與經濟產值在疫爆初期下跌有關,但隨著GDP已迅速反彈,而家庭債務佔比並無回落跡象(圖2),兩年間由95上升至106,反映家庭債務有實質增加。事實上,CEIC (2022) 的數據顯示南韓的家庭債務總額由2020年4月的15,544億美元急升至2021年9月的18,680億美元,升幅超過兩成。

圖2 南韓家庭債務佔GDP比。來源:Trading Economics

圖2 南韓家庭債務佔GDP比。來源:Trading Economics


韓國政府金融服務委員會(Financial Services Commission, 2021)於2021年10月29日發表了一篇有關南韓家庭債務管理的文章指出,家庭債務高企已經成為南韓的最大經濟風險!文章分析有關家庭債務激增的原因,原文及我的翻譯如下:

Between 2016 and 2019, the government’s consistent efforts to manage the pace of household debt growth led to a gradual drop in the household credit expansion from 11.6 percent to 4.1 percent. However, this downward trend reversed its course in 2020 as the government began to implement expansionary fiscal and monetary policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the household debt growth in 2020 was accelerated by a spike in the volume of credit-based loans as more and more individuals borrowed to invest in financial products amid a prolonged low interest rate environment. The rise in housing transactions as well as the increase in jeonse (a lump sum deposit for rent without monthly payment) prices also contributed to the surge in household debt in 2020. 
2016 年至 2019 年期間,政府持續努力控製家庭債務增長速度,成功把家庭信貸擴張從 11.6% 逐漸下降至 4.1%。然而,隨著政府在疫症爆發後實施擴張性財政和貨幣政策,越來越多人在長期低息環境下借貸投資金融產品,加速了家庭債務增長。住房交易的增加以及傳貰價格的上漲也導致了 2020 年家庭債務的激增。


南韓政府為了更有效管理家庭債務,在2021年底推出四項措施,包括限制貸款佔家庭收入上限的DSR,同時為年青家庭置業提供特別收入計算指引,並首次推出40年期按揭貸款,讓39歲以下的年輕置業者和新婚夫婦可長期支付較低的利率。(Park, 2021; Jung Min-kyung, 2021)

For young adults struggling to get mortgages to buy homes due to their current income, the government will provide guidelines for banks that factor in future income that the borrowers can be expected to generate.


南韓政府今次嘗試推出特定對象政策,把年輕置業者的未來預期收入也計算在內,同時推出四十年還款期,讓更多年輕人可以負擔置業,然而,以25歲大學畢業計算,即使一畢業便能儲夠首期置業 (或獲得政府資助),供滿四十年後剛好達到退休年齡,可以把樓宇逆按給銀行,好像世世輪迴,無業隨身!魷魚遊戲的互相殘殺,只為了滿足背後的操盤者。


CEIC (2022) South Korea Household Debt, 2002 - 2021 | QUARTERLY | USD MN | CEIC DATA, https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/korea/household-debt

Financial Services Commission (2021) Household Debt Management, October 29, South Korea Government. https://www.fsc.go.kr/eng/po080101

Jung, Min-kyung (2021) S. Korea to soften mortgage rules for first-time buyers from July, The Korea Herald, June 21. http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210621000871

Knight Frank (2021) Global House Price Index, 2021 Q3. https://content.knightfrank.com/research/84/documents/en/global-house-price-index-q3-2021-8652.pdf

Park, Han-na (2021) S. Korea to tighten mortgage rules to rein in household debt - 40-year mortgage loans to be introduced in H2 for young house buyers, The Korea Herald, April 29. http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210429000892