魔幻世界 - 嬉皮士的意料外繼承者?
我... 😱😱😱
這篇文章是出自 [1]
這其實是一個 New Age Movement 的網站
甚麼是 New Age Movement?
New Age Movement 是 60 年代 70 年代嬉皮士運動的一個 餘波,當年那些嬉皮士年輕人尋求解構建制、解構權威、解構傳統,所以嬉皮士運動中有一個分支,就是拒絕了「傳統」基督新教的宗教觀,轉而去尋找「另類宗教」的信仰。
可以留意一下蘋果喬布斯 (Steve Jobs) 的經歷 [2]。
Steve Jobs' Mantra Rooted in Buddhism: Focus and Simplicity [2]
Jobs and his college friend Daniel Kottke, who later worked for him at Apple, visited Neem Karoli Baba at his Kainchi Ashram. He returned home to California a Buddhist, complete with a shaved head and traditional Indian clothing and a philosophy that may have shaped much of his corporate values.
喬布斯年輕時去過印度拜訪印度教的某位上師 Neem Karoli Baba,再回到加州成為了佛教徒。
當然,和那個時代很多年輕人一樣,去東方宗教「尋求信仰」很多只是玩票的,他們可能覺得性愛、藥物、愛與和平反建制仍不夠「觸及靈魂」,拿起包就跑到一個陌生的角度,見了幾個 上師 (Guru) 知道 仁波切 (Rinpoche) 就覺得這很酷等等。
喬布斯 (Steve Jobs) 大概也不是甚麼認真的佛教徒。
"I wouldn't say Steve Jobs was a practicing Buddhist," said Robert Thurman, a professor of Buddhist studies at Columbia University, who met Jobs and his "Tibetan buddies" in the 1980s in San Francisco.
"But he was just as creative and generous and went outside the box in the way that he looked to Eastern mental discipline and the Zen vision, which is a compelling one."
然而這些「追求另類宗教」的餘波就形塑出了 New Age Movement,這些非主流宗教帶有嬉皮士小清新的浪漫愛與和平風格,在這些「非主流宗教」中,有認真的人也有玩票的人,有的人們表面知道一些名詞就都拿來包裝自己,天南地北世界上不同宗教都可以被引用,它們產生了一些影響,但大體上還是比較邊緣性的。
某程度上,這可以理解成華人社會的「氣功熱」,而「氣功熱」也產生了一個 New Age 式各種融合的新宗教 - 李洪志的法輪功。
在於半世紀後,一些 2020 年的人們,拿起了當年嬉皮士運動的餘波,去堆砌他們世界觀。魔幻的地方是,他們在根本上是嬉皮士運動的反對者,他們要維護的是他們意像中的「傳統」。
人物之一,Q Shaman
人稱 Q Shaman,改名 Jake Angeli,原名 Jacob Chansley。
若果看 Q Shaman 的言論,就可以看到他的世界觀有多 New Age,其實 New Age 也沒問題,問題的是他竟然可以把一些「反嬉皮士世界觀」融合到「嬉皮士世界觀」中,然後還「邏輯自洽」。
比如這段 [3]
“I sang a song. And that’s a part of shamanism,” he said. “It’s about creating positive vibrations in a sacred chamber. I also stopped people from stealing and vandalizing that sacred space, the Senate. OK?”
我唱了首歌,這是薩滿儀式的一部份,這能在神聖空問內創造正能量振動 (*)。我能阻止人們從神聖空間 (指美國議院) 裏偷東西和毀壞東西。
留意這些詞: 振動,能量,薩滿。
這都是很 New Age 的詞。
若果 Q Shaman 過於自說自話,神志不清,那我們又可以看看一些理論上「甚麼都經歷過」的人怎融入這個反向嬉皮士世界。
關鍵詞: 頻率 = 振動,生命的奧義,高維結構,埃及金字塔。
猶太錫安主義者,這是炒 100 年前的冷飯,俄羅斯傳世特產著名 - 錫安長老會紀要 (Протоколы сионских мудрецов / Сионские протоколы / The Protocols of the Elders of Zion)。
關鍵詞: 振動、頻率。
Q Shaman 開開心心去做他認為該做的事,然後他目前要面對牢獄之災。
這並不是和愛人聽著 New Age Music 吸著大麻做著愛。
基本上是同一系的 Q Age 產物,揉合嬉皮式分支出來的非主流宗教餘波另類右類特色陰謀論。
- QAnon’s Unexpected Roots in New Age Spirituality [4]
- Nazi Hippies: When the New Age and Far Right Overlap [5]
- A Closer Look at the ‘QAnon Shaman’ Leading the Mob [6]
- The dark side of wellness: the overlap between spiritual thinking and far-right conspiracies [7]
在 華盛頓郵報 (Washington Post) 那篇 QAnon’s Unexpected Roots in New Age Spirituality 中,作者說自己產地是美國加州,加州正是 New Age 的一個大本營。
另外作者也提到,她的一些 中產白人女性朋友 是 New Age 信徒 [4]
It turns out that I didn’t entirely resist it. In the past decade or so, my fluency in the world of New Age culture, wellness, woo-woo (whatever you might call it) became a professional boon as a journalist. These ideas were taking off once again, especially among women who are White and middle-class, which I also am. I understood that world and had a lot to say about it. While on assignment I’ve gone to menstrual huts and tea ceremonies; I’ve gotten massaged by boa constrictors and I’ve meditated at sound baths. I’ve greeted this all with professional curiosity, something between an open mind and a world-weary arched eyebrow.
這其實亦是另一個 New Age 人群特徵,New Age 在中產白人女性群體中比較有巿場。
和基層宗教或受壓逼群體傳教不同,New Age 的「傳教」不用講求人世之苦難,信心之必要,拯救之期盼,這也部份延續了「嬉皮士小清新」的傳統。
而當作者看到 Q Shaman 時,她都覺得「驚訝」,這到底是甚麼玄學政治混搭風 [4]。
I took note of the so-called QAnon Shaman: 33-year-old Jake Angeli, born Jacob Anthony Chansley, of Arizona. He was bare-chested and covered in Nordic tattoos, at least one of which, the Valknot, is a Norse symbol sometimes associated with white supremacy. But he was also, infamously, wearing a headdress fashioned from buffalo horns and coyote skin — elements associated with the American West that seemed to telegraph a pagan spirituality. I’ve been around a lot of White people who have adopted a mishmash of pagan and Indigenous signifiers as a New Age aesthetic. It’s a cringeworthy and offensive display of appropriation that I don’t endorse, but it’s common in that world.
同一篇文繼續 [4]
After the attack on the Capitol, news reports unearthed that Chansley was a founder of something called the Star Seed Academy (in a certain New Age vernacular, a star seed is a higher being). The Facebook page for the venture, before it was taken down, read: “Star Seed Academy creates leaders of the highest order! We help people to awaken, evolve and ascend! Are you ready to be a leader? Are you ready to ascend?” Recently, Chansley’s lawyer, Albert Watkins, told me in a statement that his client “is deeply spiritual. His spirituality is serving him well as he traverses the pending federal charges.” He added that Chansley has “a personal commitment to Ahimsa,” the principle (found in Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism) of doing no harm.
以上的關鍵詞,甚麼 awaken、evolve、ascend 簡直經典,可以參考這些詞在 李劼 先生的 twitter 上是怎組織的。
It felt shocking and suggested serious flaws in a culture I thought I understood: a fine line between the kind of zeitgeist-y, sensitive New Age-guy version of masculinity, and something more nefarious. The idea of spiritual lineage is too generous to bestow on Chansley, but he represents a growing pipeline between New Age male spirituality, new masculinity movements and QAnon. This pipeline is one of unlikely connections and strange bedfellows, of mixed martial arts fighters and poets, evangelical Christians and yoga teachers.
Guido von List
Guido Karl Anton List,簡稱 Guido von List,1848 年生於維也納 (Vienna) 富有的中產之家,家裏都是羅馬天主教徒。
Guido von List 後來離開羅馬教會,轉向了「復興」日耳曼古老多神教,他把「復興」的日耳曼古教稱之為 Wotanism / Armanism,分為內外兩層 (像一些宗教那樣)。
Wotanism 是給日耳曼平信徒信的 (羊群),Armanism 則是內圈教士信的 (牧者)。
Armanism 又被稱為 Ariosophy。
在 Guido von List 的思想中,Wotanism / Armanism / Ariosophy 是像猶太教類似的民族宗教而不是世界宗教,所以它的最重要的中心是神,第二個中心是日耳曼人。
Theodor Fritsch
Guido von List 的追隨者中,有一位叫 Theodor Fritsch,是在當年知名的反猶主義者。
Theodor Fritsch 本身在 Guido von List 的組織有職位,同時在那個年代寫了一些反猶的文章,有不少的影響力。Theodor Fritsch 亦是反猶的 Germanenorden (條頓人團) 的創始人之一,他旗下的出版社翻譯了俄國人搞出來的「錫安長老秘密紀要 (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion)」,也就是 100 多年後李劼先生在 twitter 上 N 手引用的那本書。
Germanenorden (條頓人團) 還有一個反猶的姐妹組織叫 Reichshammerbund,同樣 Theodor Fritsch 是它的創始人之一。
學者 Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke 的 The Occult Roots of Nazism : secret Aryan cults and their influence on Nazi ideology 中有這麼一段
大意是 Armanists, Ariosophists 等的神秘主義者的信條之一,是認為他們有著神人一樣的祖先,這些「祭司 - 國王 - 哲人 - 戰士」通過靈啟知識的統治,為雅利安人 (Aryans) 帶來了智慧、力量與繁榮。
納粹德國的高層 Heinrich Himmler (希萊姆) 的手下 Karl Maria Wiligut 也是將神秘主義和納粹意識形態結合起來。
歷史某程度上奇怪地重複了自己,1960、1970 的嬉皮士在「非主流宗教」玩樂,其實在嬉皮士出現的 100 年前,也已有類似的東西。
Guido von List 在第一次世界大戰爆發時,相信德意志帝國、奧匈帝國會勝利,日耳曼的復興就由這戰開始,並且說自己通過靈視「看到了」「凱旋的未來」,但他後來只看到了自己鍾愛日耳曼民族的失敗,並在 1919 年因衰老病痛逝世;這也是一種幸運,要不然 Guido von List 夠長命活到希特勒自焚,他大概更加死不暝目。
[3] https://www.politico.com/news/2021/03/05/capitol-riot-shaman-tv-interview-473921
[4] https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/03/29/qanon-new-age-spirituality/
[5] https://gen.medium.com/nazi-hippies-when-the-new-age-and-far-right-overlap-d1a6ddcd7be4
[6] https://gen.medium.com/the-q-shaman-conspirituality-goes-rioting-on-capitol-hill-24bac5fc50e6
[8] Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, The Occult Roots of Nazism : secret Aryan cults and their influence on Nazi ideology, 2004