《也許相愛很難 就難在其實雙方各有各寄望 怎麼辦》

作者 Gary Chapman 是美國著名的兩性關係治療師,他從多年的諮商經驗中歸納出5種表達愛意的形式,並把這些稱做「愛的語言」:

  1. Words of affirmation 肯定與讚賞 (This language use words to affirm other people.)
  2. Acts of service 服務行為 (For these people, actions speak louder than words.)
  3. Receiving gifts 接受禮物 (For some people, what makes them feel most loved is to receive a gift.)
  4. Quality time 寶貴的相處時光 (This language is all about giving the other person your undivided attention.)
  5. Physical touch 肢體接觸 (To this person, nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate touch.)

"But if it is not his or her primary love language, it will not mean to them what it would mean to us."


語言是從小學習的,愛的語言都是一樣。原生家庭是我們學習 love language 的課堂。如果我們的父母是以Acts of service 為 primary love language 的話,我們自然地認為 Acts of service就是表達愛意的語言。

不過,如果對方是一個比較看重 Words of affirmation 的人,你就算再多的Acts of service 都沒有用。長此下去,彼此的愛情就會互相磨蝕。所以,這本書幫助你了解自己和伴侶最需要什麼,避免在經營關係中,行少一些冤往路。 (p.s 當然,如果你5種love language都點滿的話,你本身就是愛情的高材生!)

立即了解自己的love language:
