
尋日就見到同層好多人執嘢走,今朝先有人嚟同我講調去一樓或二樓,調咗去間不思議な猫慣常被困嘅二個窗其中一個下面 。我執晒嘢之後同我講調房個軍裝話我原本間房我最後一個走淨返d嘢執埋佢。因為之前就已經幾次嘢就冇我份,手尾、清潔就叫我(再加上一大堆我之前已經有寫講過一部份嘅其他嚴重得多嘅事),覺得唔應該再冇所謂於是拒絕咗。但去咗搵原本d同房執搵唔到後,返到去見到d姐姐喺度執時,都係幫咗手將袋垃圾拎落樓。






講津貼嗰段,喺Article 71 入面。

Prieglobsčio prašytojams, išskyrus prieglobsčio prašytojus, dėl kurių priimamas Migracijos departamento sprendimas įleisti į Lietuvos Respubliką ir šis sprendimas dar nėra priimtas, gyvenantiems Lietuvos Respublikos institucijų paskritose laikino apgyvendinimo arba sulaikymo vietose, socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministro ir vidaus reikalų ministro nustatyta tvarka kas mėnesį mokama 10 procentų valstybės remiamų pajamų dydžio piniginė pašalpa. Ši pašalpa mokama nuo prašymo gauti piniginę pašalpą socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministro nustatyta tvarka pateikimo dienos.


Asylum seekers, with the exception of asylum seekers who are the subject of a decision of the Migration Department to be admitted to the Republic of Lithuania and who have not yet been the subject of such a decision, residing in temporary accommodation or detention places designated by the authorities of the Republic of Lithuania, in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Minister for Social Security and Labour and the Minister for the Interior, a cash benefit equal to 10 per cent of the State-supported income shall be paid monthly. This allowance shall be paid from the date of submission of the application for a cash benefit in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Minister for Social Security and Labour.


Asylum seekers, with the exception of asylum seekers, who are the subject of a decision of the Migration Department to enter the Republic of Lithuania and this decision has not yet been adopted, residing in places of temporary accommodation or detention drowned by the authorities of the Republic of Lithuania, in accordance with the procedure established by the Minister of Social Security and Labor and the Minister of the Interior, a monthly cash allowance of 10 percent of the amount of state-supported income is paid. This allowance shall be paid from the date of submission of the application for the cash allowance in accordance with the procedure established by the Minister of Social Security and Labour.


Article 71嘅最開頭。6

Sololearn一個新follow我嘅人嘅profile。威權主義者應該都係咁上下諗法,而佢地會覺得人地奈佢哋唔何都算係佢哋冇get caught,亦因為咁而覺得自己真係配坐佢哋嘅位。或者啦,
