利女貞 -- 女子通常擅長家務和炊事,對於家中大大小小的事情也瞭如指掌。如果說,事業是男子開拓冒險的世界,家庭就是女子經營固守的天地。......那麼,那些偶爾在天空出現的「風火輪」,裡面乘坐的究竟是誰呢?(P.S. 漢字「偵」是篆文纔出現的字,而「偵」字的本字就是「貞」。「貞」字的本意是「偵測」或「探測」,「貞」的目的就是求「真」,此處引申爲「瞭若指掌」。)
初九:閑有家,悔亡。/ 變卦風山漸 -- 冒險開拓、劈荊斬棘,甚至面臨奔波勞碌、飢寒交迫的處境,如果有個溫暖的家庭可以渡過閑暇療傷的時光,那麼就算遇到再大的困境,也會漸漸感到安心鎮定、沒有遺憾啊!
六二:無攸遂,在中饋,貞吉。/ 變卦風天小畜 -- 冒險開拓事業,不能悠遊自在、不能成功順遂的途中,有時候就連用餐都要依賴饋贈的食物充飢。此時,如果有個小有積蓄的家庭作為努力前進的後盾,至少還能回家休息吃飯、一解溫飽之需,這不是值得歡喜的事嗎?
九三:家人嗃嗃,悔厲吉﹔婦子嘻嘻,終吝。/ 變卦風雷益 -- 家人不時高聲哭喊肚子餓,出現遺憾而嚴重的心結;婦子常常嘻鬧輕狂又彼此譏諷爭吵,總是不能互相容忍。雖然擁有家庭是好事,但是如果超出一己負擔的能力,幸福也是有限的啊!(P.S. 此處「終」解爲「總是」;「吝」解爲類似「難以容忍」的意思。)
六四:富家,大吉。/ 變卦天火同人 -- 富有的家庭連結的人事通常廣大而多元,他們往往有求同存異和同舟共濟的精神。
九五:王假有家,勿恤吉。/ 變卦山火賁 -- 網路上在假想中成立的虛擬家庭,雖然有人認為那是虛假的、經過包裝掩飾的、不切實際的感情,但是許多參予者隱隱約約的還是會彼此關切、擔憂感情發展的結果。(P.S. 此處「王」解爲「網路」,「假」解爲「虛擬」或「假想」。「勿」解爲「隱約」。「恤」解爲「擔憂」。)
上九:有孚威如,終吉。/ 變卦水火既濟 -- 家庭的概念發展到最後,往往有人質疑:怎樣纔算是一個家庭呢?......那些搭乘著飄浮在天空的不明飛行物體,威風閃閃、鬼隱神現、來無影又去無蹤的天外來客,難道他們最終也是要來和人類結親成家的嗎?難道他們會放棄星際的探索冒險,從此安定滿足的定居在地球上嗎?或者是,他們過去曾經也是地球人類失散的家人,在經過探索星際的長途任務結束之後,此時正在尋找很久以前離開的家鄉呢?
"Why the family was related to the hexagram symbol of Wind over Fire in the I.E. Scripture?"
"Fire can make the air become hot and start to flow...... Then when you see through the hot air, the scene behind the burning hot air might look like a little vague...... The original author of the I.E. Scripture seemed like to say that there was a kind of atmosphere around the family by such hexagram, things might become fuzzy and hard to judge by rational thoughts when concerned about the tight relationship between the families."
"Wind is the flowing air, and the fire can make the air start to flow, it's just like the smoke flow out from a house's chimney which might be made for cooking or warming purpose and symbolized a family gathering time. The bigger and warmer home space might always be able to gather more family members."
"The leading lyrics of this qua said that the female was usually well acquainted with the messy affairs at home, and the male might usually pay more attention to go out for adventuring and developing his career business...... And then, from the hexagram symbol of Wind over Fire, there seemed like have been following an unusual awesome question: Who piloted the Wind-Fire Wheel and occasionally appeared in the sky?"
"Wind-Fire Wheel seemed like a kind of ancient flying saucer or flying disk which might be similar to the UFO -- Unidentified Flying Object in the modern times. Actually, in the ancient Hanese legendary stories, some of the immortals had taken it as their speedy flying tools......."
"OK! From the Holy Bible, the first family in the world must be consisted of Adam and Eve, and their home was called Eden. Then how about the Creator itself and the other creatures? Did they also belong to the first family and first home? "
"I think the Creator YHWH might have two homes, but not Eden, because of YHWH had two 'H'. One of its homes must be the Heaven, and the other home might be the Hell. It might don't want human go to the Hell, that's why it created the Eden to be a human's home and hoped they to keep their home well."
"In the Hanese words, 仰 means upward or look up, and it sounded like 'yang'; 窪 means swamp or depression, and it sounded like 'wa'. And the shape of this English character 'H' was similar to a Hanese word '工' which had the meanings related to 'connect' or 'communicate' or 'construct', etc. These factors seemed like to tell that the YHWH might hold both of the key-ways to go to the Heaven or the Hell."
"The most amazing lyrics in this qua were those words written in the forth yao which described the virtual families and simulative weddings were existed on the computer web world in the ancient time. If such things were real, that meant the internet technology of computers might have been existed in the ancient time....... The homepages seemed like their homes, the family groups on the web seemed like their families, and they paid much attention to concern and look after each other in the digital world, though some other people still thought those family-relationship were not real."
"What is the real family?....... Of course families might live together peacefully, help and support each other without asking any repayment,......but sometimes families might separate for running different goals or missions in their lives, even lost connections after a long time......."
和睦通融是家庭幸福的基礎,但是現實生活中有許多大大小小的事情、可能影響未來發展的計劃與行動,難免也有彼此分離、互相睽違的時候。那麼,那些搭乘「風火輪」或「幽浮」(UFO) 的天外來客,是不是古早以前離開地球上的家鄉、前往外太空探險而睽違已久的人類分支呢?
"So, how about those extraterrestrials or aliens who took the mysterious UFO in the sky? Was it possible that they might be humankind's lost families who had been separated with human from the earth long time ago for going to explore the out space universe, and then come back again to seek their homeland for safely landing?......"
"That's why the next qua 睽 was going to talk about the separation or the quitting connection. The original author of the I.E. Scripture exactly had been recorded some of their observation and investigation in words about the UFO and the extraterrestrials or aliens during that ancient times in next qua....... They might try to contact with humankind's lost families......"
"That's why '睽' had the other meaning related to 'clearly watching or staring the true evidence' or 'eyewitness' and 'witness'..... It must be a critical time that the more truth about the UFO and extraterrestrials or aliens were revealed.......  "
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.

00.0. 易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.|方格子 vocus

在東方古老的時代,大約距今 3000 年左右以前,甚至更早的時代,喜歡觀察、記錄、寫字、推理的人,通常被稱為「君子」。「君子」本來的意思就是「拿著手寫桿在記錄板上記載文字的人」。也許可以這麼說,「君子」和「記者」(journalist) 意思差不多,但是「君子」的意思更廣泛,應該稱之為「易者」或「記易者」,也就是以圖畫和文字來記錄觀測事物的變化,甚至據以作出推理預測或決定判斷的人 ...