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Passing Dragonfly (路過蜻蜓英文版)

主唱/填詞/詩詞/剪片: 香江寅
原曲: 路過蜻蜓-張國榮


As your love leaves phantoms of time
The roam we met to get closer
Streaks of clouds are warmth to way unknown
If melancholy’s haunting the rain
The tearful shadow tints my eye
And rinses our fate to drop a dim light

**A dragonfly’s low to a meadow
Of a hope or false projection
Life is in muse for its semi-float
Auras shine on the thin glass
As to what ineffable dream
Everything’s my wordless calm**

***Smile, for memories touch my heart
Weeping, it’s vain to hold
Reflected in your eye
Couldn’t halt my tears
That blend with the well of soul

None than somewhere does engrave
Scars grinding out its wings
You possess the tale
Passing from its breath
But attached in my tears***

Repeat**+*** x2

Solitude’s remained
Lightly going on
Petrichor fades in air



念茲二十算離時, 猶記當同地有思。
張設撫遺雖廣切, 浮城與易若雙移。
國偏演粹哀芳藝, 聲絕奇華賦禁姿。
榮冉徂枯神顧內, 惘年愣溯長於斯。
(平水韻, 四支)


念餘半載隔陰陽, 悟復番年弄兩霜。
梅淡尋虛淵癘洗, 松凋問杳斷城揚。
艷豐自是長今累, 赫寡非由百事常。
芳稟本多情配憾, 於歸燕子我鄉傷。
(平水韻, 七陽)