39. 蹇 010100 水山-坎艮 (Quarter 3-7)
利西南,不利東北。利見大人,貞吉。-- 面對問題、解開問題就有收穫,背對問題、凍結問題則收穫不大,這是大多數人都明白的事情,也是為何我們不放棄對閉塞不通的地方持續進行探索、偵測和連結的原因。......水流被山脈阻擋就流不過來,如果我們自己不能敞開一條通路,如何和駐足在「蹇地」(settle-zone) 的天外來客溝通和連繫呢?(P.S. 類似「利西南,不利東北」的文句在「坤卦」的卦辭中曾經出現過,這裡是《易經》中第二次出現這個文句的爻辭。如果把易經 64 卦視爲登山與下山的完整過程,「蹇卦」就位在《易經》的「下經」之中,也是處在下山的過程中。按此邏輯,其實整部《易經》的下半部從第 33 卦至 62 卦都算下山的時程,那麼爲何在這個第 39 卦要再次強調這段卦辭呢?......假設ㄧ天有 12 個時辰,即 60 個卦時刻,則每個時辰就有 5 個卦時刻,略去前後 4 卦不計,第 39 卦即第 37 卦時刻,此時前面已經過了 36 個卦時刻,也就是過了 7 個時辰、進入第 8 個時辰的第 2 卦時刻。換算爲現代一日 24 小時制,亦即進入 16 又 5 分之 2 時,也就是剛好在下午 4 點 12 分之時。此時距離太陽西下低於地平線的時刻還有一段時間,但是大約再過一個半時辰或三個小時左右就將天黑、進入夜晚,所以《易經》可能在此時特別又提出「利西南,不利東北」的說法,或許是強調黃昏和夜晚即將來臨,此時必須繼續保持在光線充足、空氣溫暖的、朝向西方即日落方向的向陽坡上的路徑前進,莫遲疑、莫回頭,以便能在天黑之前安全下山抵達平地。以文明的發展而言,既然比地球人類文明更高級的文明在上一卦中已經確認是事實存在,那麼人類落後的舊文明終將被到訪的新文明取代而走向尾聲也是可以預期的了。此時,或許唯有師法對未來的文明發展有強烈影響力的新文明,纔得以在平和有序的終結過程中取得轉機而不致於在恐慌失序的混亂狀態中自取滅亡。)
初六:往蹇,來譽。/ 變卦水火既濟 -- Go to settle-zone and communicate with the extra-terrestrials, after coming back, we may get much cheering, because of the information which we get from the settle-zone will plentifully satisfy those curious minds. 前往蹇地與天外來客溝通接觸,返回以後,我們會大受歡迎,因爲我們從蹇地取得的豐富資訊將能滿足那些好奇的心靈。
六二:王臣蹇蹇,匪躬之故。/ 變卦水風井 -- The web of brain-cells or the internet of computers and the watching radars system for detecting are not connected perfectly with each others, because of the extra-terrestrial's settle-zone is built on the very different concave-base and covered by message-obstructed dome-shelter. There is only a tube-well like patio for entry and exit. 腦神經網路或電腦網際網路與雷達偵測系統彼此不能完善的連結,因爲天外來客的駐紮基地建築在非常特別的洞穴中,而且覆蓋著穹窿式的訊息遮蔽屏障。只有一個類似天井般的管道可供進出。(P.S. 此處「王」解爲「網 -- web 或 weaver」,包括高科技的 communicational netting system、通訊網路系統;「臣」解爲類似「望遠雷達 -- telescopical radar」;「匪躬」二字形容某種非常特別的穹窿式建築結構。)
九三:往蹇,來反。/ 變卦水地比 -- Go to settle-zone and communicate with the extra-terrestrials, after coming back, we might get much suspecting and objection, because of we might go with the extra-terrestrial too closely and lose confidence and supporting of our familiar friendship in humankind. 前往蹇地與天外來客溝通接觸,返回以後,我們可能會受到許多懷疑和排斥,因爲或許我們和天外來客走得太近而失去了人類族群本身的信任和支持。
六四:往蹇,來連。/ 變卦澤山咸 -- Go to settle-zone and communicate with the extra-terrestrials, after coming back, we might get much friendly connection and build more stably peaceful and harmonious relationship between extra-terrestrials and humankind. 前往蹇地與天外來客溝通接觸,返回以後,我們可能得到更多友善的連繫,而且在天外來客和人類之間建立更多和平及和諧的穩定關係。
九五:大蹇,朋來。/ 變卦地山謙 -- As matter of fact, the bigger and stronger settle-zones of the extra-terrestrials do not wait for our visiting and communicating, they might friendly visit and communicate with us before we are trying to visit their bases. At this moment, the ability of translation between each other's language is very necessary. 實際上,駐紮在那些蹇地的天外來客其中較大較強的不會等著我們去登門拜訪,在我們試著和他們進行溝通之前,他們就可能主動前來探視我們。此時,彼此之間非常需要的是語言翻譯的能力。
上六:往蹇,來碩。吉,利見大人。/ 變卦風山漸 -- Go to settle-zone and communicate with the extra-terrestrials, after coming back, we might get more rich sources about many kinds of research and become more knowledgeable, the result with benefit will be gradually and exactly visible by most of the people. 前往蹇地與天外來客溝通接觸,返回以後,我們可能得到各門各類更多的研究資源,並且變得更加有知識、裨益於人類全體,大多數人將逐漸有目共睹、確實看到這樣的結果。(P.S.此處「來碩」解爲 researchable source 或 resource、可供研究的資源或知識的來源。)
Since the under ocean volcano activated and exploded its fire and smoke on the sea wave, I had not met and talked with Mermaid E. for a long time. Then I started to concern about should I retreat myself from the beach and go back to the comfortable space of my own castle on the top of the mountain.
After a few of days later, I decided to sail and break through the smoking sea water and find the other living place. What I hesitated was after leaving here, will Mermaid E. know where to find me?
The seriously smelly atmosphere forced me to leave without choice, I thought I couldn't wait here anymore, I was eager to take my little flat boat and pass through the dark air, which was floating and covering around the sky over the beach, I needed to find a new land with fresh breathable air.
The worse situation of the great storm with thunder above my head was suddenly coming to joint with my action as I am almost passing through the heavy smoke. I prayed for surviving, though I didn't really have enough faith about the existence of some kind of the mysteriously helping hand or some other great strength in the universe. I just felt myself sink into the deeper and deeper darkness, all I heard were the roaring of the storm and all I saw were the thunder flashing lights which arose here and down there frequently.
When I woke up on a strange beach, I knew I had totally passed through the dark time and fortunately survived, then I couldn't believe that Mermaid E. was just sitting beside me as I was lying on the beach sands. She watched me with her deep and tender eyes over me, then fed me some coconut juice.
"Is here the heaven? Am I dreaming? " I asked.
"Just a small island with many fruit-trees and fresh grasses, and several rocky caves in the big hills." She said "This small island is far away from where you stayed before."
"Does any other live in here?"
"If you are just asking me about some others also walk by two feet, then I can tell you......they are seabirds."
“I really hope some day I can talk with birds in their languages, not only whistle to them.”
“Birds don’t like human, because of no animal will make friend with anyone who might be a greedy hunter.”
“I’m not a hunter, though I have a little hungry now. I like to eat many kinds of fruits, especially bananas and oranges. Bananas could make me feel my stomach become fully filled, and oranges supplied me fresh water.”
“You are very lucky, there are just a lot of banana-trees and orange-trees have widely grown and expanded on this island.”
“Human could not communicate with the other species might due to have been lost the trusts between each others, it might be not easy to rebuild the trusts except with some dogs and cats and horses.”
“So, how can we rebuild the trusts to the other wild animals, even maybe with some kind of the extraterrestrials in the future?”
“That’s why the next qua was going to talk about “解” for discussing the releasing from the rigid doubts or answering to the difficult questions, or solving the long-term problems tightly fastened in mind.”
“The ice and snow could be gradually melt from sunlight’s heat, it’s not in speed, but in a bit and a bit, a licking and a licking.”
”Maybe the most wonderful solving ways were always unaware as the skillful parachuter’s or the fingering lifter’s doing.”
After several weeks, I constructed a brand-new small villa-house on this island, and also made a small water-pool for Mermaid E. with a sheltered room. My story about The I.E. Scripture was not finished yet, but I’m not very anxious to write it in a hurry. I needed more spirits to keep it going on, and I felt all of the things on this small island and all of the seabirds’s singings were very inspirational to me.
I think all the stories have their own lasting lives, sometimes they also need to take a rest, or sleep, or wake up in the someday morning of a new era and breath the fresh air again. Some texts of the ancient stories might become very difficult to be understood by the people of the later generations, but stories might be kept saying their words to whom they would like to listen and realize.
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.