{極貼合中文原曲內容英文版} 林子祥《男兒當自強》英文版 原創歌詞 CANTONESE SONG ENGLISH VERSION A Man of Determination 黃飛鴻電影系列主題曲

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A Man of Determination (男兒當自強英文版)
主唱/填詞/詩詞/剪片: 香江寅
原曲: 男兒當自強


Proud smiles toward dire waves
Warm bloods are seething as if sun
Irons are from furnace
Bones go steel-like
To a profound heart
With its great foresight
Striving from a truth self of
An upright man

Be a manly man
Sustains hard progress
Should show bloods as warm
O'er the blazing sun!

**Let the sea and sky boost my morale
To widen horizon
For my ideal I fight


Blended in surge high
Sky blue of vastness resonates with soul
What a man should insist on

Pillars shall keep chest out striding forth
We're men
Hundredfold goes on
Glowing endless shines

Be a manly man
Should show warmth of warmth
O'er the blazing sun! **


Be a manly man
Should show warmth of warmth
O'er the blazing sun!



蘧篨佞宄使獅神, 附戚施纏弱志身。
舞色難螢珠巿耀, 肩刑領匯賃商淪。
深泥五百年淵浼, 癘策三秋歲戒申。
莫以陰幽愆雨傘, 家閨不越馬車鄰。

(平水韻, 十一真)