
利西南,無所往,其來復,吉。有攸往,夙吉。-- 水面受到震動就會引起波動、快速傳遞震波到他處;訊息的傳遞也是如此,訊息一旦發出去就很難收回來,這就是所謂的「覆水難收」。如果誤會已經造成,就要面對誤會、澄清誤會。既然往事已成、難以追回,只能以合乎常規的、資訊充足的誠意來化解。為了往後彼此能輕鬆往來,事不宜遲!早點解開彼此的心結,纔不會變得千絲萬縷、複雜難解。[P.S. 此處「夙」字同時帶有漢文「凡」寓意的「常規」及約略形聲 soon 而轉換的漢字「早」或「趁早」之類含意,並且「夙」字的「凡夕」之音韻組合又鋪陳出九二爻辭提到的 fox (狐;狐狸 / 或寓意「發掘」、「發現」、「發明」)。]

初六:無咎。/ 變卦雷澤歸妹 -- 為了雙方的美好未來,還是不要隨便錯怪相異的見解。即使訊息的來源相同,但因為彼此所處的環境與位置、歸屬的文化結構和意識型態不見得都一樣,實際上接收到的訊息也不一定完全相同。彼此開通訊息來源,使訊息匯集在一起,讓訊息內容更完整,纔能歸納出更全面的結論。如同四面八方的眾水都匯聚在湖澤,再從湖澤裡舀出一瓢含概四面八方的水。

九二:田獲三狐,得黃矢,貞吉。/ 變卦雷地豫 -- 在田野中獲得許多聰明狐狸的幫助,藉著牠們靈敏的嗅覺、發掘隱藏的寶貴知識、走向正確的方向、達成原先設定的目標,而且又一舉兩得、收獲非凡。有時候,往往在得到突破性的發現之後,跟著就跳躍式地解開了很大的疑惑,甚至造出劃時代的發明。(P.S. 此處「三」代表多數、許多,也可能直接與 English 之 some 的語意相通。「黃矢」代表「寶貴的知識」,又寓意「目標與方向」,因爲自古以來標準箭靶的目標中心色彩通常被設定爲黃色。)

六三:負且乘,致寇至,貞吝。/ 變卦雷風恆 -- 為了調解雙方的關係,內心也負荷加倍沉重的包袱,同時容易招致來自雙方意識型態的干擾,這真是個困窘的處境!雖然如此,恆久居間往來互動,不就是為了解開雙方的矛盾、找出可行的方案?與其期待本身就是個謎的上帝來解答,不如放輕鬆一點,耐心讓問題在某個時刻中靈光乍現地自己跑出答案。(P.S. 漢字「恆」或「恒」也能橋接於 God 一字,並且關聯到漢字古語「上帝」一詞。)

九四:解而拇,朋至斯孚。/ 變卦地水師 -- 環環相扣的疑問,往往在解開最大的關鍵問題之後,許多問題的解答也連帶地在腦中一一浮現出來,如同暢行的流水乍然湧現一般、輕易解開了許多相關的疑問。(P.S. 此處「拇」字可能以大拇指寓意「大問題」或「大問題的解答」,事實上台閩語「問」的起音與「母」的起音相近;「朋」則有「伴隨」、「連帶」之意。)

六五:君子維有解,吉。有孚于小人。/ 變卦澤水困 -- 君子把解決問題的方法和過程記錄保存下來、甚至集結為公式或程式,就可以作爲解決問題的參考工具,傳授給處事生疏、經驗較少的人,也比較不會經常置身於凡事都必須親自出面解決問題的困境。(P.S. 此處「小人」意指「少不經事的人」或「經驗較少的人」之類。)

上六:公用射隼于高墉之上,獲之,無不利。/ 變卦火水未濟 -- 涉及公眾參予的事情,往往會把得標的標準定得很高。也因此,往往只有超越標準以上的方案纔會被公眾接受與認可,這樣的情況不必計算就知道。所以,在自我求好心切的心態和難以滿足大眾無止境期待的情況下,就算最終達成既定的標準、表面上看來好像沒有漏掉應該考慮的問題,但總還是會隱隱約約地感到好像缺少了什麼、覺得不完全滿意。

"Something was unsolvable, because of there was no ability to solve it. Some-question was unexplainable, because of it was still a mistery."

"Yes, some-tension was un-releasable, because of there was some nervous or seriously tight situation."

"Now you are safe on this small and peaceful island, do you still feel nervous?…… The most dangerous time was gone, to you, isn’t it?"

"Some feeling about the unsafe maybe was due to we can’t tell the future, that’s why the I.E. Scripture, …… The Book of Changes, also became a predictive tool."

"Everything can be a kind of predicting tool,…… the stars, the moon, the sun, the pens, the dice, the blocks of bones in ancient time, the grasses and flowers, the texts or words, the numbers, the sounds, the scientists’ theories, …… But, Each kind of them might just tell us a part about the future. …… Actually, when we faced the emergent situation, sometimes there was no time to use such many predicting tools, and we were even just acting in the reflex behaviors, especially on the front-line or frontier."

"The water waved by the thunders, the messages were carried by waves and sent to the front-line, they couldn’t go back to the start-point by themselves." (P.S. 此處 water waved 本來較制式的文法應是 water was waved,但是三個 wa-、wa-、wa- 連續出現在三個單字中,似乎有點繞口,所以將 waved 一字中的 wa- 視爲同時帶有 was 的意境,省寫為 water waved。)

"During the journey of the transmitting, the message might encounter some obstacles or turning points or else, then be reduced its strength, or be changed to become the other different meanings, even totally be disappeared."

"What we get from the terminal of the long distance transmitting, maybe just a kind of mistake."

"So, if you have any question about my words, just talk and discuss with me, don’t think too much of yourself, don’t easily trust the others’ explanations and waste your own time."

"Of course! Communicating in direct talks is the best way for understanding the original meaning. That’s why the original author of the I.E. Scripture had mentioned they always tried to visit the settle-zone of the E.T. (ex-terrestrial) during the last qua - 蹇."

"The topic of this qua was obviously connected with a Hanese word - 解, which might be related to the meanings about solution, solving, saving, rescuing, analysing, releasing, loosing, untying, liberation, explanation, understanding,……"

"I got it! This qua must be contrasted with the third qua 水雷屯 which related to the concept about the phenomena of tension, because the graph of 雷水解 is just inverse to 水雷屯." (P.S. 其中 graph 一字有「卦象」之意。)

"That’s why sometimes I felt very exciting and releasing after getting the solution to the big problem or finding the useful answer to solve the difficult question, because of I might just change my situation from the tensing to the looser.”

"Maybe it was just the affection of the dopamine’s effecting came from your own body."

"Not just that, it’s about the dream come true, and about the scenes of the future branching are appearing clearly in my brain, just like after finding a new major formula and get the ideas about many sub-formulas."

“What you really want and what you really need, maybe only you know it exactly. You can try your best to satisfy your own willingness, even don’t have to concern others’ ideologies. But to the public case, it’s not the same. Most of the times, there’s a long list involved the strict standards and processes for making the final decision in the public case."


"That’s why the next two quas 損 and 益 were going to talk about loss and profit, or decreasing and increasing. Sometimes the awesome commercial businesses were built on the great dreams, and which might be invested by many dreamers - those who had the same dreams."

"If you have no dream, then you will not feel any loss or profit in the future."

"But many people didn’t like to talk about the dream, they thought the dream is not real." 

"They just changed their dream to the other words, such like: will, willing, intend, aspire, wish, worry, hope, eager, desire, want, need, the chasing, the longing,…… and the praying."

These days I tried to solve a problem of my villa house. Due to the drought weather on this small island in the season of Autumn, I need to find some fresh fountain for getting the plenty drinking water.

Of course I knew the fountain possibly located under the land of trees, but many trees seemed to lose their vitality in such drought atmosphere. So I had better to find the other place for seeking the fountain and prevent myself to strive the fresh water with those trees.

Surprisingly, Mermaid E. discovered a small fountain very nearing the island under the sea, so I made some wood pipes and a water drawing stick to induct the fresh water up to the island from that fountain below the sea. 

Mermaid E. was not a normal mermaid, she had been always drinking  the fresh water as I doing from the beginning of The Story of I.E.. 

Actually, to drink the fresh water always made me feel free, …… of course, not drank too much within a short time.

When I looked back the whole thing about solving the fresh water supply during the dry weather on the small island, I found this word "draw" seems like combined by a kind of pronouncement of the Hanese word "震" and the first character of "water". And, "震" is just the other name of "雷" in the I.E. Scripture.

Maybe this simple tool for drawing the water was also a type of  "雷水解", so I didn’t have to wait for the fresh water poured down by the thundering rain.

No matter what, I have already easily solved my problem with "解渴".

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.